Posted on Friday, January 24th, 2020 | 553 views
Buying a new house is usually initially more costly than buying a preowned house but the reasons why are not always clear. This article will address the top 10 reasons to purchase a newly built home even if you end up having to pay a little more.
It’s important to keep in mind that every home-buyer is different and buying a new house may not be optimal for every reader.
Purchasing a new home usually always turns out to be less expensive in the long run, than a preowned home, and here’s why:
A new house is more stable. Being brand new means it hasn’t endured years of harsh weather; probably won’t leak; it’s built with sturdier materials; there’s less of a chance that you or a visitor will become injured; there’s minimal chances your roof will fall in, and your plumbing is less likely to fail.
The bottom line is with a new home there’s less likely to be a claim.
“I can’t remember how many times I’ve heard my customers tell me how amazed they are at their cheaper home insurance rates” says Ike Keesmaat, a custom home builder in Ontario. “It’s one of the top selling points and it makes buyers feel like they’re buying a quality home.”
Home insurance premiums can vary from company to company so make sure to shop around but your bound to find a good deal – a deal that will be much cheaper than what you’d pay for a preowned house.
If you’re a clean freak, buy a new house. It’s not that previous home owners are dirty, or that there’s a home selling trend where previous home owners leave their house in shambles, but the facts are that when you move into a preowned house you’re going to have tons to clean.
After you move into a preowned home you’re going to have to dust, wipe, vacuum and generally clean the entire house to remove the existing dust and debris.
Even the most cleanest home owners are going to leave dirt behind whether it be in bathrooms, bedrooms, the basement or kitchen.
New homes on the other hand are quite the opposite.
They’re completely cleaned after the build, and when you move in the most you’ll have to do is a little bit of sweeping and maybe some dusting and whatever other dirt, guck or debris you find will be yours and you’ll know where it came from.
Unless your home builder does completely lousy work, you’re not going to have to make or pay for repairs for many years to come. You’re highly unlikely to have leaks in your basement or roof.
Your staircases will be sturdy. Your plumbing will work as expected. Your windows will be brand new so you won’t experience energy cost fluctuations. Your doors will work properly and ceilings won’t suddenly fall in.
You’ll be free of paying for house repairs for at least ten years unless something irregular comes up like a vehicle comes crashing through your living room.
These days home builders sell their homes packed with a package of new appliances. When you buy a new house you’re likely going to also get a new stove, new fridge, and a new air-conditioning system installed. Some builders even give their customers new washer and drying machines.
While you’re researching home builders near you, make sure to ask them which appliances come with the home.
Note the appliances are not free, and the cost is calculated into the price of the home but at the very least your new appliances will match the interior decor of your home, and you won’t have to go out shopping for new appliances.
New houses always come with a brand new paint job throughout the home, and the colours usually perfectly match each other properly throughout the home.
Plus, the walls are going to be flawless; no bumps, no holes, no broken drywall. Perfect pain and flawless walls are another major perk to buying a newly built house.
The bottom line is: if you buy a new home, the chances of a basement leak any time in the near future is next to nil. Every year basement building standards get tougher which ensures basements are built properly which helps them withstand much of the issues that older homes cannot.
Get a new house, and get a new basement, and get the peace-of-mind knowing your basement will be a safe and healthy place to dwell in your home.
If you’ve lived in a preowned home – especially an older one – you’ll know exactly what it’s like dealing with windows that are not air tight. Too much noise gets in; hot or cold drafts seep their way though; some windows are not secure or can’t even lock.
There can be any number of problems that can arise from your windows, but that’s not even half of it.
New windows on the other hand – like any other product – get better every year. Todays window standards are incredible, and there are hundreds of styles and features to choose from.
Simply put, old homes have more plumbing problems than new ones. When you buy a pre-used home you can expect plumbing problems any time down the road.
Problems are not guaranteed in an old home but with a new home you can bet your bottom dollar that your plumbing system won’t have problems for years to come.
Overall, with a new home, everything is going to be new and generally safe and can stand up to building code.
A new home has new appliances and systems including the entire HVAC system. These systems break down all the time but not in new home builds. An older home’s HVAC system cannot be 100% relied upon to work optimally, and can cause heating and air conditioning costs to fluctuate or even soar.
Even more so, older homes are not always built according to the specifications of modern HVAC systems. In cases like this the ductwork in an old house house to be updated. What if your house doesn’t have ductwork? That’s a whole other problem.
Who wants to go through all that? Not many people and that’s why buying a new house over an existing house is usually what people in the buying market are looking for.
This is one of the top ten reasons to buy a new home verses purchasing a preowned home. Who doesn’t want to live in a new community.
Lots of people love the old rustic and green look of a street with huge maple trees and ever greens but with new communities, you get to make family friends with other people that are new to the area – it puts everyone on par.
With new community developments, you generally get new schools, new power-centres, new amenities, new roads and everyone you meet is a new face. This of course would not be the case if you build your own home in an existing community but you get the point.
The one potential drawback to buying a home in a new community is the problem with snow removal but eventually those type of kinks get ironed out.